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National Whiskey Sour Day

August 25th

National Whiskey Sour Day celebrates the classic after-dinner cocktail every year on August 25th. Enjoy a Whiskey Sour by mixing whiskey, lemon juice and egg, along with your choice of bitters.

National Whiskey Sour Day

What Is A Whiskey Sour?

A whiskey sour is a popular cocktail that is made by mixing whiskey, lemon juice, sugar, and ice. The ingredients are typically shaken or stirred together in a cocktail shaker, and then poured into a glass. Some variations of the whiskey sour may also include egg whites, which add a frothy, creamy texture to the drink. The end result is a tangy, sweet, and refreshing cocktail that is perfect for sipping on a warm summer day. Many people enjoy garnishing their whiskey sours with a slice of lemon or a maraschino cherry, which adds a pop of color and a touch of sweetness to the drink.

Who Created the Whiskey Sour?

The exact origin of the whiskey sour cocktail is unclear, but it is believed to have originated in the 19th century. Some sources claim that the drink was created by a bartender in Peru, while others attribute its invention to a bartender in Wisconsin. Despite the uncertainty surrounding its origins, the whiskey sour has become a popular cocktail that is enjoyed by many people around the world.

How to Celebrate Whiskey Sour Day

To celebrate Whiskey Sour Day, you could try making your own whiskey sour at home using the classic recipe, or visit a local bar or restaurant that offers the cocktail on their menu. You could also try experimenting with different variations of the whiskey sour, such as using different types of whiskey or adding additional ingredients to the mix. Another way to celebrate National Whiskey Sour Day is to share your love of the cocktail with friends and family by hosting a whiskey sour party or gathering. This is a great opportunity to try different variations of the cocktail and to share your love of this classic drink with others. Here are some popular variations to try:

  • Bourbon sour: This variation is made with bourbon instead of whiskey. It has a slightly sweeter and smoother flavor than the classic whiskey sour.
  • Amaretto sour: This variation is made with amaretto instead of whiskey. It has a sweet, almond-like flavor that is balanced by the tangy lemon juice.
  • Irish whiskey sour: This variation is made with Irish whiskey instead of the traditional American whiskey. It has a smoother, more mellow flavor than the classic whiskey sour.
  • Egg white whiskey sour: This variation is made by adding a frothy egg white foam to the classic whiskey sour recipe. This adds a creamy, rich texture to the drink.
  • Spiced whiskey sour: This variation is made by adding spices such as cinnamon, cloves, or allspice to the classic whiskey sour recipe. This adds a warm, spicy flavor to the drink.
  • Sloe gin sour: This variation is made by using sloe gin instead of whiskey. It has a sweet, fruity flavor that is balanced by the tangy lemon juice.

National Whiskey Sour Day Images

When life gives you lemons... Make Whiskey Sours!

When life gives you lemons... Make Whiskey Sours!

August 25h - Happy Whiskey Sour Day!

August 25h - Happy Whiskey Sour Day!