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Milk Expiry Day

July 3rd

July 3rd, humorously recognized by Seinfeld fans as "Milk Expiry Day," originates from Jerry Seinfeld’s stand-up bit pondering the peculiar certainty of milk expiration dates. In his classic routine, Seinfeld jokes about the strange precision dairy producers have in determining exactly when milk will spoil, imagining a scenario where the farmer directly consults the cow, who quietly whispers the precise expiration date: "July 3rd."

Milk Expiry Day

On July 3rd, 2021, Jerry Seinfeld tweeted:

Today is of course, my favorite milk expires day when you need a sinister talking cow punchline. #Ju-ly3rd..

Watch the original clip here:

What about September 3rd?

In the Seinfeld TV show, there is an episode where Kramer drinks milk which expired on September 3rd. Some consider this date a better candidate for Milk Expiry Day.